Positivo Pages

21 June 2024

Bike computer gps comparison — Wahoo Roam, Hammerhead, Garmin 840

 Over a decade ago, I got very frustrated with Garmin 605 era buggy software and firmware, lost ride data, frozen screens, and happily switched to Wahoo. I have used both generations of Wahoo Element Bolt gps units since with very few issues. 

Meanwhile, there are now many more choices for a dedicated cycling gps computer. And all reports are that Garmin fixed their products and improved their offerings.  I don’t know when I will get my next gps unit, but based upon this review comparison it may well be a Garmin 840 or 840 solar. Two features I like … first, the ability to set up different profiles for different bikes. This is really good if you have different power or cadence or other sensors on different bikes.  Second, 2x or 3x (with solar) the battery life … very helpful for randonneuring if you don’t need to worry about recharging during any event shorter than 1000kms. 

DC Rainmaker is very thorough:


1 comment:

  1. The 840 seems to have a flaw in that Virtual Partner cannot be disabled. Andrei knows more.

    I have various generations of Garmins. The 1040 is definitely the best in every respect and has not failed me. The only thing to be careful is that it easily ends a recording by mistakenly touching the screen while the recording is halted, something that does not happen so easily with any of my older Garmins.

    The battery lasts very very long. I didn't get the solar version because the improvement would be marginal and mostly immaterial. No need for solar for a very long one-day outing. But for multi-day outings, solar will not alleviate the need to recharge externally at some point. So solar ends up being just an extra cost without a significant benefit except in some rare situations.
