21 May 2009

10.000 HITS

It went (almost) unnoticed that we had 10.000 hits on the Positivo Espresso website some days ago. So I checked: For the first 5.000 hits we needed from 14.11.07, the start of the site to 26.09.2008 precisely 316 days, for the second 5.000 hits we only needed 228 days. It is also very encouraging that we get comments from readers outside of the "core group".

Let's not fool ourselves, app. 5000 hits are from Tom, David, James and me, checking every 10 minutes on an average day what has happened. Also I am a lttle bit suspicious about the counting algorithm, probably counting only hits on the main page, but not on the posts.

But hey, also Apple was not founded on one day and we have much more modest goals.

Sorry to blog about this peripheral topics, but my rides on the home trainer are even more boring.

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