29 January 2019

Free camping and hot springs in japan

A useful resource. Found this link via a video and some comments posted on the Japan Cycling Navigator FB page. I am not sure how updated or accurate, but it looks extremely helpful for anyone trying to bikepack through Japan.  (I would probably save the weight of the tent and just reserve beds and onsen, ... but I suppose once in awhile a camping trip might be fun, not to mention inexpensive.)

Note that the list includes mostly free onsen, and an odd colleciton of non-free ones that show a $ sign and different icon. The list does not seem to include the numerous free "foot soaking" onsen (ashi-no-yu) one finds in onsen towns. And I think any good list needs to include hi-gaeru (day) onsen and "kenko-land" type facilities which can be quite modest in cost (or not), since those often have great facilities for napping or even in some cases allow overnight sleeping indoors without tent or sleeping bag.

1 comment:

CM said...

These are called michi no eki. I've stayed overnight many times although it might not, strictly speaking, be permitted. Only got a complaint once. Many people sleep in their cars too. Facilities are surprisingly good and it's free.