03 January 2019

Wintertime = Powercranks Time

If I am going to enjoy my somewhat more ambitious cycling calendar this year, I have got to get a really, really strong base. So for the first time in several years ... the Powercranks are going on a bike, and I am setting up the stationary trainer. Maybe I can ride outside this week ... but I know in the next few months there will be lots of days when I cannot or do not want to be riding outside.

Ever ride with an independent cam left and right crank? Powercranks is like doing one-leg exercises with BOTH legs, and with a brick tied to each foot. But one does get used to them. Heck, back in 2011, I even rode around Mt. Fuji on Powercranks once (from/to Kawaguchi-ko).And it is a lot of fun doing "dolphin kick" rotations as one climbs past other riders. And riding them on the streets one always gets a double take from road cyclists.

If you cannot read the logo, it says "for a good time, call POWERCRANKS"

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