16 January 2010


The central Tokyo-ites depart Ebisu stn 7:30am tomorrow, 8am Futago Tamagawa, up the river(s) to Takao, looping back to Tokyo via Sagamihara and the Tank road, with the aim to be back by 12:30pm, which unfortunately may preclude any double mocha skinny frappuccino macchiato vente stops. Sad, but true.


David Litt said...

According to my doctor I still have 2 weeks before I’m free to move my shoulder every which way without risk of re-dis-location, so the most I can hope for is a short ride on the trainer Sunday. But have a nice ride! And give a shout as you pass my house on Komazawa Dori.

Best, David

James said...

Guys, I will see you there at 8am... however depending on weather I may break off and attack Wada and Otarumi anyone wishing to join me is more than welcome!

Manfred von Holstein said...

James, Otarumi should be fine, but I don't recommend Wada. There will be snowy and icy patches. Stay below 600m absolute max and on roads with significant traffic (so the cars have removed the snow).

Will blog on my excursion today soon.

Have fun tomorrow,


James said...

did Wada last week and the road up was clear with only a patch of ice on the way down.

Manfred von Holstein said...

It has snowed since, but you are more than welcome to find out for yourself!

James said...


the ups and downs of a belgian amateur cyclist in tokyo said...

James, don't listen to to MvH...scaremongering is his hobby you know...(:-); just take a look at his pics above and judge for yourself. Anyways, look out for me tomorrow, I'm heading for Wada on a short cyclocross ride from Itsukaichi hoping to encounter a bit of snow too!

James said...

Ahhh yes Tom I see what you mean :D
